Friday, July 27, 2012

More from Milan

      Good grief!  The female human is on some sort of a machine that she walks on!  Does she not know she can do that outisde?  I do it all the time, even run, which I have never seen HER do.  The male human isn't quite as sharp as the female on some things.   He is apparently real good with some boxes they call computers, but he left Mama Cat's food bowl outside and he is nowhere to be found.  Bet he is back with his boxes.

      Hee, hee, we'll see how that cat likes it when this dog outsmarts her.  A little scratch, scratch at the door and the man lets me out.  A few quick slurps and down goes Mama Cat's kitty chow.  My way of getting back at her for that evil swipe she took at me the other day.  This place is great!

     Oh, oh, the woman is giving me the stink eye.  She knows I ate the kitty chow, but guess what, she is mad at the man for leaving it out for me to eat.  I do not get the blame! They think I'm just a dumb dog who thinks any food laying around is mine.  I'll just plaly along and see what else I can scam them into feeding me.

     I should nap now. The cats are out of sight and the humans are leaving for errands.  I wish I could figure out what that is.  Every time they leave for errands they are gone for different amounts of time and come back with different things or take things they don't bring back.  If they ever want to take me on an errand, I think I'm going to hide.  Oh well, it's time to hit the sofa for my nap while they are gone.  They think I don't get up on there anymore!  Tee hee.


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