Well, it isn't finished yet, but we are certainly making progress. Got the new Broan range hood installed. Consumer Reports rated it as the best. We got the next model down, but the fan power is still there. It weighted way more than we expected, so we had to call on some help to get it in place.
Then there was the bottom course of tile on the back splash, which hubby had to carefully remove with his new handy dandy electric tool, and reinstall. Only each tile had to be cut off by about 1/4-1/2 inch at the bottom. Luckily one of our friends, Tina, had a professional electric tile cutter at her disposal, and brought it to our house, and carefully cut each tile to fit. Kind of like putting together a big puzzle piece. So another phase finished, because hubby grouted and caulked the tile with colored gunk that MATCHED!!! Wow, who knew? As you can see, you cannot tell the difference between old and new, whew!
When the rain quits, if it ever does, I will have to begin the painting. Another page of the story.
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