A New Year heralds in a new kitchen--at least it certainly looks like a new kitchen to me. And now we have plumbing restored, a new sink and faucet fixtures. Hey, the pioneer ladies would have loved this indoor plumbing! It was amazing what I could not do in the kitchen-without-running-water, and now I am back up to speed, even have a chowder brewing with all kinds of yummy things in it, including black eyed peas. For you people who don't understand southern cooking, black eyed peas are traditionally served on New Year's Day. We are part southern here, so I threw in some for my chowder, and besides, they're good for you!
Next I have to tackle the old newsprint wallpaper, which admittedly gives the walls character, but it also shows signs of wear and tear, so time to move on. And off. Then we tackle the floor. Can't decide yet on what to do there. Have to think about the choices, and the prices. Oh yes, and put the bottom course of tile back on the wall--kind of like assembling a puzzle on a vertical surface.
So Happy New Year to you all, and if you are considering a home renovation in your future, just a word of advice, be prepared for anything unusual or unplanned! And good luck too!
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