Okay, in case someone reading this has been indulging in too many mai-tais on a sandy warm beach somewhere, or on another planet, we had a snowstorm here in "fly-over country", yes the Great Midwest. So got out ye olde snow shovel and bucket of sand and got to work on Christmas day, because of course we have to have clean sidewalks and part of a driveway, right? Molly dog was so tired from chasing the birds and squirrels around in the snow, and watching us shovel, that she just decided to find a snowy throne and supervise.
Then we realized that since our countertops are being ripped off the cabinets this weekend, hubby had to take the bottom course of tiles off the kitchen wall. Another quick project, with a hammer and chisel. I did the cleanup, my specialite! Lucky we got Christmas dinner done on Christmas eve with the "kids" before the ice storm and snowstorm bogged everybody down.
And THAT is what we did on Christmas!
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