Speaking of books, I just finished reading Sara Paretsky's "Bleeding Kansas", and one of the characters really spoke to me. Myra was the Schapen family matriarch, and she kept a blog going, writing volumes about her neighbors in rural Kansas. Most of it wasn't nice, but this gave me an idea.
We live in rural MO, in a supposedly "zoned" county, but you wouldn't ever know it if you drove the backroads and byways in this county, while you constantly encountered junk yards, trash heaps, derelict appliances and farm equipment stacked in the front of houses, down the driveways out to the roads, and cluttering the sides of property fencing. For example, we have the privilege of living next door to one of those junk yards so I am including pictures so you can also share the experience. When people come out to visit, I just say, watch for the junkyard and turn at the next driveway. It's an easy directional sign--large and highly visible. In this downturn of property values, and slow moving real estate, it would be extremely awkward to even think about selling out of this neighborhood. Who wants to live next door to this?
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