Our sweet autumn clematis is in full bloom, as you can see from these shots. And the nights are arriving earlier, and finally cooling off. So back into the house go our houseplants, sigh, they are sad to leave their porches.
It's been a busy past week. Our daughter and her fiancee arrived from the west coast for a weekend wedding here, and we got lots of visiting in with her and the rest of our family. It's so quiet when everyone goes home. But the cat-who-reigns gets her spaces back, and Molly dog goes back to acting like a big rug wherever she plops.
Book pages
I have another book to share and recommend--Lightning Rule by Brett Ellen Block. I read it at night during this past family gathering, and it really provided an escape when it got too busy. It's a sort of noir mystery, takes place in the 60's during a heat wave and race riot in Newark, NJ, and centers on a police detective who chances on a serial killing during the riot. The characters come alive, and I particularly liked the brash young black teen whom the detective has to shelter and protect from the mob. This book could easily become a movie, so let's see what happens!
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