Want a great reading adventure? One you cannot put down, because the action just draws you through the book? Well, here it is, Alex Kava's newest--
. It takes place in Florida and Washington DC, and centers on a scientist who discovers the environmentally "friendly" company she works for has a big secret. Her co-worker and supervising scientist mysteriously disappears, and she notices illegal effluent going directly into the river. As it turns out, this effluent contains dioxin, and the dioxin comes from Hurricane Katrina damage delivered by the dumptruck loads at night, and churned into energy in the daytime at the plant. The plant is supposed to use the thermal conversion process to transform chicken parts into oil, an admirable cause. But in actuality, it has tapped into hurricane wastes as its main source of oil, and in so doing, has broken many barriers and laws. Of course the bad guys at the plant are now after Sabrina, the scientist, so she has to run to her brother Eric, whom she hasn't seen since her mother's death. And Eric also has some big secrets to hide. A congressman turned murderer, a retired housekeeper with tons of cash hidden in her freezer pork chop bags, a hired assassin, a group of beach bums who have hidden secrets and skills which could help Sabrina, a couple of congressional aides with secret agendas, all stir up this exciting "goo". It reminds me of Michael Crichton's books, good suspense thrillers, with a scientific lesson woven in for us laypeople. Run, don't walk, to your local library or bookstore and check this out!!!