Every spring we grab at the chance to drink in the colors and fragrances of spring before it really arrives, at the Flower, Lawn & Garden Show in downtown KC. This year it was as beautiful as usual, and we even wandered to the opposite hall to see the home improvement booths. Since we now have a pup, who seems to have the wanderlust, we made it a point to talk to the dog training guys, and got some ideas which we are putting into practice, but which Milan seems to think are even more hilarious than chasing the geese/chicken/ducks/cats around. We shall see. So far the game score is: People ZERO Milan About a Million and a Half.
But at least we saw some gorgeous orchids again, and viewed the raptor rescue display, which is pretty neat to see because we have all those birds out here in the country, but close up and personal, they are truly magnificent.
Milan really enjoys running in our creek, and getting all wet and muddy every day. After viewing all the stone and water structures at the show, maybe I can convince hubby to build a rock-lined pond and waterfall big enough to suit our pup's needs (haha).