We finally have spring (sort of, actually, maybe...) because a day that goes all the way up to 85 or 90 is more like SUMMER, hello??? Well, we will take what we can get, because weather in MO is interesting to say the least. So we are busy cleaning out flower beds, raking up winter dead leaves, branches, stems, stuff that hides all the blooms coming out. Got our water garden up and running, and now I have the HUGEST tub of water iris I will have to divide--any takers out there, please let me know. Maybe I will plant them down at the creek, so the snakes, frogs and turtles will enjoy their blooms too.
And when it rains, I head for the beading room, creating new stuff for different events, like a High Tea coming up, or a good friend's move to TX. Keeps me busy. In between sewing American Girl doll Easter sundresses, which is also an interesting project. I found that by the third one, I had the pattern and shortcuts all lined up and it flowed! Now we just await strappy sandal delivery for the girls.
Speaking of Easter, I found the cutest bendy-earred bunny pattern online, so started mass producing them for little ones for Easter. I thought they turned out rather cute. Even made one for a little boy, a "chocolate" bunny!