Sometimes our Elderberry trips are overnights, other times week-long, other times merely a hop and skip down the road to Olathe or Pleasant Hill. This latest trip took nine days and several thousand miles, to Manila in the Philippines. Because of our trip to Wichita, KS, and meeting with Gracia Burnham last year, and because of our Elderberries and their big hearts for orphans and people in need, we were invited as a group to visit Manila and some of the operations which the Burnham Foundation assists. So hubby and I discussed it, and thought and prayed (a lot) about it, and he volunteered to be in this group of seven. They flew over end of January and returned right before Valentine's Day. They saw many sights, and visited orphanages, a birthing center, and prisons, not your usual tourist destinations. They were also able to squeeze in a visit to the American cemetery of WWII soldiers who died on the Bataan death march. Our pastor's wife had an uncle who died in this heroic struggle during WWII, so they made it a mission to locate his grave--which they did, and take pictures. Then they did a day trip over to Corregidor, and observed all the ruins and the monument to Bataan, and got a look at Manila Bay from Corregidor.
Hubby loved seeing the different road vehicles, like Jeepneys, mo-peds, motor bikes with attachments, so I made sure to include these pictures too. He brought back many memories, all special, and even remembered pearls, for which the Philippines is famous.