I just finished reading two new non-fiction books, which I would recommend to everyone for their fall reading lists.
The first is a light-hearted romp through a summer camp, reminiscent of "Meatballs", wholly credible, and I couldn't stop laughing, even after I put it down. Mindy Schneider's "Not a Happy Camper" is the perfect bad-fall-weather-day book. Her antics to avoid swimming lessons remind me of mine at camp, her cabin must have been built on the same plans as the ones we inhabited in our summer camps (so is there a camp cabin design manual somewhere out there, or does old lumber kind of lend itself to such creations of horror?), and her family vacation commentaries were a total hoot. Luckily a sense of humor on the part of the narrator/heroine kept her survival instincts honed enough to write it all down for posterity, thank you very much, Miss Mindy!
The second is the heart-wrenching story of Natalee Holloway, "Loving Natalee", by Beth Holloway. This is an incredible account of this poor girl's end in Aruba, and an equally incredible account of a journey of faith and hope of her mother. Any mother would easily identify with the pain of loss of a child, as described by Beth, and my heart goes out to her and her family as they continue to cope. Read this and learn way more than you wanted to learn about law and order outside the USA, and how we are all trusting and innocent tourists without a clue when we travel abroad.